Baumgartner is an extreme sportsman and a parachutist from Austria, who has completed all kinds of dangerous and newsworthy stunts over his 43 years.
The test jump took place on Wednesday over Roswell, New Mexico. Skydiver leaped from a capsule attached to a helium balloon from more than 29 kilometers above the Earth to reach a top speed of 862 km/h before deploying his parachute, being in a free fall for an estimated three minutes and 48 seconds. Wearing a pressurized space suit, Baumgartner landed in a desert area of the U.S. state of New Mexico, just about 15 minutes by helicopter from his launch site at Roswell International Air Center. Following his jump, Baumgartner, said: “It has always been a dream of mine. Only one more step to go.” He is aiming for a record-breaking jump from 23 miles (37 kilometers) in another month.