Britney Spears and Jason Trawick celebrate engagement in Las Vegas.
Britney Spears revealed on Friday that she will wed long-term boyfriend Jason Trawick, later hosting a 40th birthday party for him in Las Vegas. Trawick was Spears’ manager from 2008 until earlier this year, when he stepped down from the position to focus on their romantic relationship and his plans to open an arts and entertainment division for Famos LLC, a company whose partners include Mick Jagger and Dave Stewart.The singer, who has been married twice before, firstly for 55 hours to childhood friend Jason Alexander and for two years to dancer Kevin Federline, changed her relationship status on social networking site Facebook from “in a relationship” to “engaged”. Her children, Sean Preston, six, and Jayden James, five – by second husband Kevin Federline – are said to be delighted about the engagement.
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